Saturday, March 17, 2012

Recognize my self :)

I'm not the type who likes to fight. I want a peaceful life and fine. I do not really like being in an organization. but I like making friends andwant to be friends with anyone. provided that you accept and care for me as it is me, you are my friend.

to make friends do not have to be someone else. I do not want to besomeone else just to find a friend. I do not want to choose peoplearound and getting people chosen to go out just to be friends. I would not choose, they will come themselves if indeed they feel comfortable with me without iam having to find morover vote. did I miss universe? what right had I to choose who should be my friend?

I'm a pretty harsh, I realize that. so, poeple who want to be my friends wouldhave to patience and understanding are high that sometimes my rude words just came out. I am a human, makes mistakes too: |.so some people who do not know me will judge me with thoughts of fear and no less harsh with my words. but indeed this is me, I try tobe better, but do not immediately judge me, believe me I would fixthis flaw.

I'm NOT A GOOD person, but I DO NOT PRETEND TO BE GOOD , I'm just TRYING TO BE GOOD. and I think it's better than not recognize who you are and pretend to be good


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